Sunday, December 22, 2013

Human Brain - Memory Power

How to improve our memory

As memory power keeps decreasing through the passing years. But a lot can be done to retain and improve the memory power. Many factors contribute to the memory power like nutrition, environment, brain health etc.  Taking  all  these  aspects  into  consideration  the  brain  power  can  be  improved  by adopting better measures for each.

Good Nutrition

Healthy eating habits not only prove beneficial for a healthy living but also help to improve memory. Certain nutrients are vital for the brain to function appropriately.  If these nutrients are adequately included in the diet then the brain will be in good health to be used completely
  • Various kinds of vitamin B like B6, B12, and folic acid help in improving the memory power of the brain. Spinach and other dark leafy greens, broccoli, asparagus, strawberries, melons, black beans and other legumes, citrus fruits, soybeans are rich sources for these nutrients.
  • The cognitive function of the brain are related with the Omega-3 fatty acids are concentrated in the brain.  These  can  be  found  in  fish  such  as  salmon,  herring,  tuna,  halibut,  and  mackerel; walnuts and walnut oil; flaxseed and flaxseed oil.
  • Include fresh Rosemary in your food during preparation.  Rosemary stimulates the brain  to function well, improves memory and concentration.

Good Habits

Treating your body well can go a long way in improving your retention power. By inculcating healthy habits you help your body be stress free and remove a lot of load of your brain. Some habits to inculcate can be
  • Regular exercising – Exercising helps to improve the blood circulation of the body and increase the oxygen supply to the brain. Diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases also lead to loss of memory; these can be prevented by regular exercising. The memory process of the brain is regulated by the brain chemicals; these chemical also protect the brain. Exercising also helps to enhance the production of the brain chemicals.
  • Sleeping Habits – A good night sleep helps the brain relax and rejuvenate for the next day. Sleep is important to consolidate memory.  Hence a good 6- 8 hrs of sleep is important to the brain health.
  • Drinking a lot of water – Drinking plenty of water is not just a skin tip but also helps the body get rid of the toxins. Accumulation of toxins has an adverse effect on the memory.

Brain Exercises

Brain exercises are an effective way to get the brain functioning for creativity rather than processing the same ideas.  The  more  you  work  out  your  brain,  the  better  is  its  ability  to  process  and remember information.
  • Novelty and sensory stimulation – Try breaking the routine methods you adopt for daily work. In this way you challenge your brain to work in a different way and explore the unused pathways of the brain. For e.g. try doing normal things like combing your hair with the left hand (if you are a lefty try the right hand), in this way you non-dominant side of your brain and compel it to work differently.
  • Learn  something  new  –  Challenging  your  brain  with  a  completely  new  activity  is  the  most effective way to keep it alert. Pick up a new skill to learn like cooking a different cuisine, learning a new language etc. Be sure to choose an activity of your interest but never tried before. This keeps your brain constantly on the learning edge. 
  • Play games that involves some thinking – Playing the complex games can improve your memory power. Normally I like to play chess in every morning which is boost my memory power every day. Regularity is very important here, so try to incorporate these games or exercises into your routine.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Human Brain

Are you interested to learn about human brain?

How our brain is working?

The human brain is the key regulator of the human body. All the voluntary and involuntary actions required by any human to live are controlled by the brain. From the functioning of the various organs of the body to the basic movements of the body parts, all are governed by the nerve impulses transmitted by the brain. 
However,  the  brain  also  manages  much  tougher  tasks  that  include  functions  related  to  learning, memorizing,  creating  ideas,  recall  incidents  and  many  more.  The different parts of the brain take command of these functions and enable humans to learn and interact. 

Some interesting fact about our brain

ØThe human brain has around 100 billion neurons equal to a computer with a 1,000,000,000,000 bit per second processor.
Ø  Brain consumes around 17% of the body’s energy in spite of being just 3 per cent of the body’s weight.
Ø  The feeling of fear is processed in the amygdale, a section of the brain also responsible for storing intense, personal, long-term memories.

Human Memory

Memory essentially is a function used to get, store, retain and retrieve when required the information. This functioning of the memory involves three major steps i.e. encoding, storage and retrieval. 

What affects the human memory?

The human memory can be affected by reasons like disease, injury, abnormal development or stress.  Living with problems related to the brain can be difficult as it may be difficult to complete daily activities stored in the memory.

Diseases like Dementia, Alzheimers disease, ADHD and ADD directly affect the brain cells causing them to deteriorate resulting in slow loss of memory.  In such a case the person forgets events happened a few  minutes  ago,  children  find  it  difficult  to  cope  with  school  and  adults  face  problems  at  work.  Disorders like Dementia and Alzheimers disease even affect the speech of the person as they forget commonly used words.

Stress also takes a toll on our retention ability. Stress distracts our course of concentration and makes it difficult to retrieve the memory.  As  per  a  research,  people  facing  too  much  of  stress  can  develop Alzhiemers disease in the later stage of life.

Our brain requires a constant supply of oxygen to keep functioning. If by any reason this does not happen, the brain will not store or recall memories. Many a times when oxygen is not provided to the brain it causes the particular area of the brain to be undeveloped. This affects the functioning of the memory.

There are lots of things we need to study about the human brain. My next article will provide how to improve our memory.

Monday, December 16, 2013


What is true happiness?

Happiness is a mental or emotional state of wellbeing characterized by positive or pleasant emotions. Many philosophers tried to describe happiness and had different opinions about how to reach the state of happiness. Some of them referred to happiness as a state of inner peace while others referred to it as a state of deep satisfaction.

What is happiness?

Happiness is an internal state of feelings that is independent of the external factors. If you feel free you will be happy. If you are not in bad moods then you will be feeling happy. True happiness is something that gives you an internal happiness in your mind. Bad emotions, stresses, depressions will kill the happiness of every one. So how to live happily.

Do you think that money will bring the happiness? Some time it may be but it is wrong. You can understand that most of millionaires living under depression because of their money. Then what will give the true happiness.

If you are living with your unmet needs then you will not feel happy. Most people make the mistake of looking for external factors to fix their bad moods. Also they try to change everything around them to feel happy. But in the end they are still feeling the same.

Your emotional states will determine the happiness of yours. You just want to know that controlling or eliminating the bad emotions will leads to the happiness in our life. If you have dreams that you never fulfilled, goals that you never achieved or unmet needs that you never met then you can never experience true happiness.

If you have certain emotional wounds and certain unmet needs then using positive thinking to feel good will be the most deceiving technique you ever used in your life and your subconscious mind will scream back at you with more pain. Fulfill your unmet needs and you will experience a kind of happiness you never experienced before, then there will be a real happiness in your life.