Monday, December 16, 2013


What is true happiness?

Happiness is a mental or emotional state of wellbeing characterized by positive or pleasant emotions. Many philosophers tried to describe happiness and had different opinions about how to reach the state of happiness. Some of them referred to happiness as a state of inner peace while others referred to it as a state of deep satisfaction.

What is happiness?

Happiness is an internal state of feelings that is independent of the external factors. If you feel free you will be happy. If you are not in bad moods then you will be feeling happy. True happiness is something that gives you an internal happiness in your mind. Bad emotions, stresses, depressions will kill the happiness of every one. So how to live happily.

Do you think that money will bring the happiness? Some time it may be but it is wrong. You can understand that most of millionaires living under depression because of their money. Then what will give the true happiness.

If you are living with your unmet needs then you will not feel happy. Most people make the mistake of looking for external factors to fix their bad moods. Also they try to change everything around them to feel happy. But in the end they are still feeling the same.

Your emotional states will determine the happiness of yours. You just want to know that controlling or eliminating the bad emotions will leads to the happiness in our life. If you have dreams that you never fulfilled, goals that you never achieved or unmet needs that you never met then you can never experience true happiness.

If you have certain emotional wounds and certain unmet needs then using positive thinking to feel good will be the most deceiving technique you ever used in your life and your subconscious mind will scream back at you with more pain. Fulfill your unmet needs and you will experience a kind of happiness you never experienced before, then there will be a real happiness in your life.

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