Wednesday, February 12, 2014

6 Reasons Why Your Life Is Boring

6 Reasons Why Your Life Is Boring

In our life some time we may feel boring. Here is the list of 6 reasons why you may be settling for a boring life. If you’ve been hooked on any of these things because of their temporarily calming (boring) side effects, you can change your life. The 6 reasons why you may be bored with life include:

1. Fear
Fear is cowardice or timidity that makes you shrink back from life. Fear keeps you from expanding your comfort zone. If you don’t take time to step out of your comfort zone and try new things, your life will be boring. Fear makes you live in confusion because you have trouble making decisions and sticking with them, afraid you might be wrong. Instead, you do nothing. That nothingness is called boredom.
Confident people are not afraid of being wrong. They realize they can recover from making a mistake and don’t allow the fear of making one to imprison them, or tie them up in self-doubt. Never allow fear to make you shrink back. The greatest antidote to fear is action. Feel the fear, but take bold, consistent, action anyway. This one step, will make your life more interesting than you’ve ever imagined.

2. Anger
The worst kind of anger is the bitter kind that brews quietly in your heart Anger is a one of the most powerful emotions people can experience. It’s like a flood of displeasure with someone or something that turns into a river. The river itself is not the issue; it’s where you choose to guide it. Many of my clients eventually recognize they are stuck in life because they have been spending their time trying to prove people wrong that made them angry in the past. Or, they find they are angry with themselves for some mistake, so subconsciously they don’t feel like they deserve to succeed.

3. Unforgiveness
Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Better yet, it’s like stabbing your own chest and expecting the other person to bleed. The bottom line is that people hurt people. Here’s something to think about: the word forgive means to for – give, or “give before.” Forgiveness is a choice not to mention, recount or think about the wrongs that have been committed against us. Forgiveness is not excusing. In fact, forgiveness is needed because the wrong done was inexcusable. In order to take chances, step out, and live in your purpose, you must be willing to forgive yourself and others. When you don’t forgive, you become stuck and tied to that hurtful situation or person. When you become stuck, your life stays boring.

4. Negativity
Negativity is the need to always see the glass half empty rather than be thankful for the fact that you have a glass in the first place. It is also the lie that tells you "I'll be happy when ___(fill in the blank).” This is a huge lie, because your happiness is choice. A wise person once said, “Anything you can get to with unhappiness, you can get much faster and easier while being happy.” You really can be happy every single day.
These are just a few of the many scenarios that can happen at any time in any of our lives. Being positive is a habit that can be learned, just like negativity is a happen that can be broken. The key is to prevent your happenings from determining your happiness. Being happy about your blessings and being bored with life normally do not go together.

5. Jealousy
Jealousy is a feeling resentment towards someone because of what they have. Jealousy brings confusion, unrest, and disharmony to a person’s life. Here is the main trap of jealously and why it makes you accept a boring life. Whenever you envy another person for what they have, you devalue what you have. By choosing to be jealous of someone else, you are in essence saying, I don’t believe what I have can be as good as what you have so instead of getting it for myself, I’ll just be mad at you. We’ve all been given our own gift mix. The same energy that’s used to be envious of someone else should be used to create the exciting, purpose filled life that you want.

6. Laziness
Laziness is desiring something, but not being willing to do what it takes to get it. There is an ancient proverb which says, “The sluggard says, "There is a lion outside! I shall be slain in the streets!" Basically, laziness creates a list of imaginary circumstances and excuses to justify not doing the work. Guess what a non-boring, thrilling, exciting, and purposeful life takes? It takes work. Delay and hesitation are the main side effects of this prescription life-killer. Excuses are what laziness is made of. Excuses are also coffins used to build houses of failure. Therefore laziness will lead you to failure every time. What about the goals and dreams in your heart, aren’t they worth pursuing with all you’ve got?

You must banish laziness from your life if you want to stop living a boring life. Our society is built to idolize comfort. We want to do things the “easiest” way possible. But easy is not what makes a thrilling, fulfilling life. The majority of your life’s greatest breakthroughs will be just beyond the point – where you want to give up. If you think life is boring, find something to worth putting all of your brains, talent, effort and passion into. Don’t be lazy. Your life will thank you for it.

Recognize each of these issues for what they are: life-draining suckers. This year, make it your mission to embrace the antidote, which is the opposite. This is how you can live your life to the fullest.

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